

In an emergency, always have your card available, to access the telephones you need to communicate with your Insurance Company and the Call Center for Customer Service.

You can also write to the following Email:, monitored 24 hours a day.

We recommend to download this form, to be filled in case of emergency and send it to, or through our website, using the section "SEND DOCUMENTS", which will go directly to our claims department, which will immediately begin to provide the respective follow-up to your case. Remember to leave a phone or email to contact you and continue the procedure.


Scheduled Events

With this system you can pre-certify any scheduled event, just complete the form and send all the documents indicated below, from the "SEND DOCUMENTS" section

a. Pre-certification form.
b. Budget of the clinic or hospital.
c. Medical Report that indicates diagnosis and time of evolution of the medical condition.
d. Copy of studies that support the medical need for Hospitalization and / or surgery.




72 hours prior to the date of the Hospitalization and / or surgery


In case of procedures or scheduled surgery it is necessary to send the formulario de pre-certificación 72 hours prior to the proposed date of hospitalization and / or surgery, this request must be accompanied by the following precautions:

  • Attach the duly completed form.
    Budget of the clinic or hospital.
    Medical report that indicates diagnosis and time of evolution of the medical condition.
    Copy of the studies that support the medical need for Hospitalization and / or surgery.


Refunds for incurred Payments

When necessary, you can request from the company, Reimbursement for expenses incurred, for which you need to present the following documents:
Claims presentation form duly completed and signed by the attending physician
Original Medical or Hospital Invoices
Invoices for medicines (must attach medical prescription)
Invoices for diagnostic studies (Laboratory, X-ray, CT SCAN, ultrasound, etc.) (must attach medical order and result of studies).
Proof of payment to the provider: credit card voucher or check.
In case of accident, description of the accident

  • In case of traffic accident include:
    Police Report
    Report of the insurance company of the vehicle by its adjuster
    If there is coverage in the vehicle insurance for medical attention of the insured, a copy of the same
    If the insured is a dependent between 18 and 23 years of age, it is required to send proof of current studies at a higher education institute.


Once you have the documents ready according to the indicated, please send the documents as follows:



  1. Send scanned invoices via email to: – This allows us to initiate the registration process immediately. Or upload them directly through our website, in this same section, in the tab: "SEND DOCUMENTS"
  2. Send Via Courier the original documents to:

PO Box 144490
Coral Gables, FL 33114

Any question or concern, consult your insurance advisor, he is trained to assist you.


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Como utilizar el módulo: ENVIAR DOCUMENTOS


Utilice este módulo para enviar todos los documentos requeridos ante una reclamación, un reembolso, o para precertificar, para autorizar la Deducción de Prima, etc. etc.


Formato digital del documento: Todas las formas deben de ser llenadas a mano, o de manera digital, deberán ser escaneadas, si es necesario, y enviadas únicamente en formato PDF. No se aceptarán archivos en otro formato.

Requisitos adicionales: Los formularios deberán contener toda la información requerida, y siempre firmados por el asegurado.

Una vez que seleccione el archivo que desea enviar, cuando hace clic en el boton "Subir Archivo", se mostrará un pequeño formulario, que le sugerimos complete adecuadamente para facilitar el procesamiento de sus documentos,


1.-Label (Identificador): escriba una pequeña descripción de su archivo, que permita identificar fácilmente a que se refiere.
2.-Date (Fecha): la fecha de su envio.
3.-Comments (Comentarios): toda explicación o comentario que crea sea necesario o conveniente tener en cuenta en relación a su solicitud.
4.-Email: escriba correctamente su correo electrónico, para facilitar cualquier comunicación inmediata con Ud., relacionada al, o los archivos que acaba de enviar.


Para más información contáctenos.