Frequently Asked Questions for One Care Insured
Frequent Questions for OneCare Insured
To clarify any doubts and questions regarding your OneCare policy please contact:
Your Insurance advisor that is perfectly prepared to answer any question you may have regarding your coverage, premium payment, claim, etc.
You can contact us at ricl This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or during week days, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm EST calling (305) 232-9040, and one of our trained professionals will gladly attend your resquests.
About OneCare
What is the OneCare Cancer Insurance Program with Optional Benefits?
The main purpose of acquiring a Cancer Insurance with Optional Benefits is to receive compensation for the expenses incurred for the treatment of this fearsome disease. The new series of cancer insurance policies - OneCare - is designed to provide benefits tempered to the present need of the insured.
These are some of the most important features of this OneCare Cancer Insurance Program:
It provides coverage for a large number of types of cancer disease and covers the expenses incurred by the insured person according to the limits established in the selected policy.
New benefits and coverage are included on a par with trends in the use of medical services around the cancer disease.
Includes benefits oriented to preventive and consistent care before and during the illness.
This Cancer Insurance Program is complementary to the insured's health plan. That is, it provides benefits regardless of the benefits of the insured's health plan. OneCare does not coordinate benefits.
Provides benefits that are payable according to the usual and reasonable in the country of residence of the insured.
It contains several innovative optional benefits such as the Benefit of Organ Transplant, Intensive Care, Emergency Medical Treatment, Accidental Death and Dismemberment and the Benefit of Cardiovascular, Periferal and Heart Disease.

F.A.Q. OneCare
1.-¿Puedo aplicar para una póliza OneCare si tengo otro Plan o Seguro Médico?
Sí. OneCare es una póliza de Indemnización y actua independientemente de cualquier otra Póliza Seguro de Salud.
2.-¿Los beneficios de OneCare pagan directamente a los proveedores?
OneCare le indemniza a Usted directamente de acuerdo a los beneficios de la póliza.
3.-¿Es necesario utilizar una Red de Proveedores Médicos para los servicios cubiertos por OneCare?
Usted es libre de escoger cualquier médico, centro u hospital de su elección.
4.-¿Quiénes son elegibles para aplicar para una póliza OneCare?
Toda persona entre las edades de 18 – 80, incluyendo cónyuge e hijos solteros hasta 23 años.
5.-¿Puede un sobreviviente de Cáncer aplicar para una póliza OneCare?
Por supuesto, una vez que hayan transcurrido 5 años sin ocurrencia.
6.-¿Cuáles son los modos de pagos disponibles?
Puede pagar de manera Trimestral (cada tres meses), Semestral (cada seis meses) y Anual (una vez al año) o de manera Mensual a través del descuento automático de fondos bancarios o desde su tarjeta de crédito)
6.-¿Cómo pagar la póliza?
Revise en este enlace todas las variantes posibles para realizar sus pagos.
7.-¿Qué aditamentos se le pueden añadir a este programa de seguro?
EL Programa de Seguro de Cáncer OneCare tiene varios aditamentos de beneficios opcionales que se le pueden añadir a su póliza básica con ciertas restricciones. Favor consultar con su asesor de seguros para mayor información.
Diríjase además a la información detallada de los distintos planes de OneCare.

Who is eligible to join the OneCare Cancer Insurance Program?
The insured, their spouse and children, are eligible for coverage of this insurance, if they reside outside the United States of America, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
The principal insured must have a minimum age of 20 years old or a maximum age of 80 years of age, for Elite plans, and of 18 to 75 years for other plans.
The word "Insured" includes the spouse of the insured and all dependent children of the Insured, single and under twenty-one (21) years old, and unmarried dependent children under the age of twenty-three (23), who are full-time students of an academic institution duly approved.
The word "Spouse" will include the consensual relationship between two single persons, who are of legal age and / or emancipated, and who live together under a same roof for a minimum term of six (6) months, and who have insurable interest. legitimate.
Is the renewal date of your policy approaching?
Be on the lookout for the next payment or renewal date of your policy to avoid unintended termination or discontinuity of your coverage.
When it is time to renew your policy, we recommend you do it on time, to avoid the expiration or termination of coverage, and maintain the continuity of your benefits without interruption.
You reserve the right to continue with this insurance, for successive terms, through the timely payment of renewal premiums, according to the selected payment method and the premium, according to the effective rate on the date of each renewal.
How is this insurance evaluated?
This insurance will be evaluated based on the answers in the Insurance Application. In the event that additional evidence is needed, it will be limited to a Copy of the Medical Record or Report of the Attending Physician (IMT) of the Proposed Insured or Specific Medical Questionnaire (s). No laboratory tests, medical tests, chest plates or electrocardiograms will be required.
All approved cases will be with Normal Pricing. Cases with Sub-Normal or Extra Premium Rates will not be approved because the design of this insurance program does not include these alternatives.
All applications will be collated in the Medical Information Bureau (MIB) and in the records of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
¿Cómo se paga el reclamo de este seguro?
Una notificación por escrito tendrá que ser enviada a la compañía dentro de los noventa (90) días después de haber ocurrido una pérdida cubierta por este programa de seguro, o tan pronto como sea razonablemente posible, pero nunca más tarde de doce (12) meses a partir de la fecha en que comience u ocurra la pérdida.
Cualquier reclamación hecha por usted, o en su nombre, a nosotros directamente a nuestras Oficinas Centrales, o a alguno de nuestros representantes autorizados con información suficiente, será aceptada por nosotros.
Favor referirse a la sección “¿CÓMO PROCEDER ANTE UNA RECLAMACIÓN?” para mayor información relacionada con el pago de los reclamos bajo este programa de seguro.
Cualquier pregunta o duda, consulte a su asesor de seguros, él está capacitado para asistirle.