Frequently Asked Questions for Life Insured
For any questions or concerns about your insurance policy, please contact:
- Your insurance advisor who is perfectly capable of advising and helping you to resolve any doubt or need regarding to your insurance policy, a claim, a payment, etc.
- Or if you prefer, contact us through This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or during weekdays from 9am to 5pm to (305)-232-9040 and one of our professionals will glady be available to answer your questions.
About Infinity Plus
What is the Infinity Plus Final Expenses Insurance?
This insurance offers only the insurance amounts of $ 5,000, $ 10,000, $ 15,000, $ 20,000 and $ 25,000, and the proposed insured is responsible for selecting one of these amounts in the application for this insurance. The death insurance benefit remains level for the duration of this insurance. The company will pay the selected amount, except:
Emission Age 20 to 64 years. Benefits payable during the first three (3) years of the duration of this insurance, (except when an accidental death occurs as a result of an accident), are limited to the return of all premiums paid, without interest.
Emission Age 65 to 85 years. Benefits payable during the first two (2) years of the duration of this insurance, (except when an accidental death occurs as a result of an accident), are limited to the return of all premiums paid, without interest
F.A.Q. Infinity Plus
1.-¿Cuáles son los modos de pagos disponibles?
Puede pagar de manera Trimestral (cada tres meses), Semestral (cada seis meses) y Anual (una vez al año) o de manera Mensual a través del descuento automático de fondos bancarios o desde su tarjeta de crédito)
2.-¿Cómo pagar la póliza?
Revise en este enlace todas las variantes posibles para realizar sus pagos.
3.-¿Qué aditamentos se le pueden añadir a este programa de seguro?
Solamente están disponibles para este seguro, los aditamentos de Asistencia al Viajero, Pago Unico por Primer Diagnóstico de Cáncer y Asistencia de Gastos Funerales.
Diríjase además a la información detallada de los distintos planes de Vida de Redbridge.

Who is eligible to be part of the Infinity Plus End-of-Life Insurance?
The principal insured only, is eligible for coverage of this insurance, if he resides outside the United States of America, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
Must have a minimum age of 20 years old or a maximum age of 85 years of age.
The Insured Proposal can not suffer from terminal illness (s) and its weight can not exceed the maximum indicated in the company's weight and height by age tables.
How is this Insurance renewed?
Be on the lookout for the next payment date of your policy to avoid unwanted termination or discontinuity of your coverage.
The Final Expenses Insurance is a whole life insurance that matures (ends) when the insured reaches the age of 106 years. It has been designed to cover the basic and immediate needs of the designated beneficiary (s) upon the death of the Insured. Do not participate in our profits or receive dividends.
It is renewed automatically on each anniversary of the insurance while the insured makes timely the corresponding premium payments in the frequency of payment requested.
How is this insurance evaluated?
This insurance will be evaluated based on the answers in the Insurance Application. In the event that additional evidence is needed, it will be limited to a Copy of the Medical Record or Report of the Attending Physician (IMT) of the Proposed Insured or Specific Medical Questionnaire (s). No laboratory tests, medical tests, chest plates or electrocardiograms will be required.
All approved cases will be with Normal Pricing. Cases with Sub-Normal or Extra Premium Rates will not be approved because the design of this insurance does not include these alternatives.
All applications will be collated in the Medical Information Bureau (MIB) and in the records of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
¿Cómo se paga el reclamo de este seguro?
El (los) beneficiario designado deberá notificar por escrito el reclamo a la compañía dentro de los veinte (20) días después de haber ocurrido la pérdida cubierta por este seguro, o después de dicho término, tan pronto sea razonablemente posible. Un aviso dado por el (los) beneficiario designado, o en su representación a la compañía, o al representante autorizado, con suficiente información para poder identificar al asegurado, será considerado notificación presentada a la compañía.
Favor referirse a la sección “¿QUÉ HACER ANTE LA MUERTE DEL ASEGURADO?” para mayor información relacionada con el pago de los reclamos bajo el seguro de vida individual.
Cualquier pregunta o duda, consulte a su asesor de seguros, él está capacitado para asistirle.
About Essential Term
What is Essential Term Life Insurance?
Essential Term has been developed to offer you a leveled term life insurance product of simplified evaluation, without laboratory tests, or medical examinations, which allows us an easy decision in the analysis of the insurability of the client. While other insurers offer only insurance plans with high insurance limits, our product offers you affordable limits that meet the needs of a traditional sector, looking forward to a fair and eventual financial security. The amount of insurance remains level, that is, the same throughout the duration of your life insurance policy.
Essential Term offers three different terms of term term policies:
Fifteen (15) years
Twenty (20) years
Thirty (30) years
Essential Term is your best alternative of protection because it helps you meet the financial needs of your family, your business or your partner in print, so imperious at the moment that a fatal and unforeseen event usurps your life. Among others, this product offers you essential coverage for financial commitments such as:
Having your family free of debt
Replace your participation in a shared business
Secure the life of your "Key Employee" and / or "Partner"
Comply with a bank guarantee - Conditional DesignationBENEFITS:
The Sum Insured payable to the beneficiary upon the death of the insured, goes according to the amount selected in the insurance application with a minimum limit of $ 25,000 up to a maximum amount of $ 150,000
The risk classification of this product contains competitive rates for Men and Women with discount for Smoking and Non-Smoking risks
F.A.Q. Essential Term
1.-¿Cuáles son los modos de pagos disponibles?
Puede pagar de manera Trimestral (cada tres meses), Semestral (cada seis meses) y Anual (una vez al año) o de manera Mensual a través del descuento automático de fondos bancarios o desde su tarjeta de crédito)
2.-¿Cómo pagar la póliza?
Revise en este enlace todas las variantes posibles para realizar sus pagos.
3.-¿Qué aditamentos se le pueden añadir a este programa de seguro?
Solamente están disponibles para este seguro, los aditamentos de Asistencia al Viajero, Muerte Accidental y Desmembramiento, Pago Único por Primer Diagnóstico de Cáncer y Asistencia de Gastos Funerales.
Diríjase además a la información detallada de los distintos planes de Vida de Redbridge.

What is the eligibility to acquire the Essential Term?
The principal insured only, is eligible for coverage of this insurance, if he resides outside the United States of America, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
The principal insured only, is eligible for coverage of this insurance, if he resides outside the United States of America, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
The minimum age to purchase this insurance is the age of twenty (20) years on the date on which the life insurance policy is approved. The maximum age to acquire this insurance is 55 years for the duration of the term at 15 and 20 years and 50 years for the duration of the term at 30 years.
The Insured Proponent can not suffer from terminal illness (s) and its weight can not exceed the maximum indicated in the weight and height charts by age of the insurer.
Any death that occurs during the first two (2) years of the policy, the Sum Insured will not be payable, except when the death occurs as a result of an accident. The liability of the insurer will be limited to the return of the total premiums paid.
How is this Insurance renewed?
Be on the lookout for the next payment date of your policy to avoid unwanted termination or discontinuity of your coverage.
Essential Term Level Term Life Insurance is a level term life insurance that ends at the end of the selected duration of 15, 20 or 30 years.
When this event occurs, the insured has the option to convert or change their insurance into a permanent life insurance policy according to the types of life insurance that the insurer has available at that moment, without insurability requirements. For more information and additional requirements, please refer to your life insurance policy or the insurer.
The Essential Term has been designed to cover the basic and immediate needs of the designated beneficiary (s) upon the death of the Insured. It does not participate in our profits or receive dividends nor does it accumulate rescue values.
How is this insurance evaluated?
This insurance will be evaluated based on the answers indicated in the Insurance Application. In the event that additional evidence is needed, it will be limited to a Copy of the Medical Record or Report of the Attending Physician (IMT) of the Proposed Insured or Specific Medical Questionnaire (s). No laboratory tests, medical tests, chest plates or electrocardiograms will be required.
All approved cases will be with Normal Pricing. Cases with Sub-Normal or Extra Premium Rates will not be approved because the design of this insurance does not include these alternatives.
All applications will be collated in the Medical Information Bureau (MIB) and in the records of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
¿Cómo se paga el reclamo de este seguro?
El (los) beneficiario designado deberá notificar por escrito el reclamo a la compañía dentro de los veinte (20) días después de haber ocurrido la pérdida cubierta por este seguro, o después de dicho término, tan pronto sea razonablemente posible. Un aviso dado por el (los) beneficiario designado, o en su representación a la compañía, o al representante autorizado, con suficiente información para poder identificar al asegurado, será considerado notificación presentada a la compañía.
Favor referirse a la sección “¿QUÉ HACER ANTE LA MUERTE DEL ASEGURADO?” para mayor información relacionada con el pago de los reclamos bajo el seguro de vida individual.
Cualquier pregunta o duda, consulte a su asesor de seguros, él está capacitado para asistirle.