
Relevant News for insured

Preguntas Frecuentes para Asegurados de Salud

No deje de revisar todo el contenido de esta sección, el cual le permitirá evacuar muchas de sus dudas y preguntas referentes a su póliza de seguro de Salud, si aun no encuentra la respuesta que buscaba, no dude en comunicarse con:

  • Su asesor de seguros que está perfectamente capacitado para asesorarle y ayudarle a resolver cualquier duda o necesidad que tenga con su seguro, su póliza, una reclamación, un pago, etc.
  • O si lo desea, comuníquese con nosotros a través de This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it o en días de semana de 9am a 5pm a los teléfonos (305) 442-8420 y uno de nuestros profesionales capacitados, gustosamente estará disponible para atender sus consultas.

Utilice la sección "SERVICIO AL CLIENTE", en el último Tab a continuación, para enviar formularios de Inclusión de Dependientes, para Reinstalación de Póliza, para Cambio de Cobertura, Autorización de Debito Automático o de Tarjeta de Crédito, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions for One Care Insured

Frequent Questions for OneCare Insured

To clarify any doubts and questions regarding your OneCare policy please contact:

Your Insurance advisor that is perfectly prepared to answer any question you may have regarding your coverage, premium payment, claim, etc.

You can contact us at ricl This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or during week days, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm EST calling (305) 232-9040, and one of our trained professionals will gladly attend your resquests.


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Frequently Asked Questions for Life Insured

For any questions or concerns about your insurance policy, please contact:

  • Your insurance advisor who is perfectly capable of advising and helping you to resolve any doubt or need regarding to your insurance policy, a claim, a payment, etc.

  • Or if you prefer, contact us through This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or during weekdays from 9am to 5pm to (305)-232-9040 and one of our professionals will glady be available to answer your questions.

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Download Zone for the Insured

Download here, all the forms, questionnaires, and documents related to your insurance.

If you have any questions, or do not find the document you need, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Documents Upload

This section is exclusively for our clients, for sending Digital forms and documents. Bellow this information you will have access to the modules for uploading and sending files.

The modules available for our policy holders are the following:

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